27 December 2021, Agana, Guam - The Philippine Consulate General in Agana, Guam organized a series of activities to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal - officially, “Rizal Day” - with the theme “Rizal: Para sa Agham, Katotohanan, at Buhay” (Rizal: For Science, Truth, and Life).
“The best way for us to honor the memory of our national hero is to live by the values he held so dearly. The most important of which is, of course, his love for our country. However, beyond that, we also honor Dr. Rizal by emulating his efforts to promote truth, to believe in science and to live life to the fullest,” Consul General Patrick John U. Hilado said in his video message on the occasion.
On 27 December 2021, to kick-off the commemorative activities, Consul and Acting Head of Post Ferdinand P. Flores led the reading of “Mi Ultimo Adiós,” (My Final Farewell). Consul Flores also shared plans to have the poem translated into Chamorro (Guam), Micronesian (Federated States of Micronesia), Marshallese (Republic of the Marshall Islands) and Palauan (Republic of Palau) languages.
Likewise, a modest salu-salo of tinola, pritong manok, litsong baboy, sinigang with fresh fish, lumpiang baboy, inihaw na tuyo, and pansit gisado were featured during the event. Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo provided the first glimpse on these Filipino traditional fare.
On the eve of the Rizal Day celebration, the Consulate will feature its Sentro Rizal Agana in Micronesia Mall-Guam as well as a digital exhibition on Rizal’s life and heroism.
On 30 December, the Consulate will participate in the special online screening of Nicolas B. Pichay’s film, “Rizal’s Pen” via Facebook page @PHinAgana. The film organized by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts | Sentro Rizal Filipinas, will run from 30 December 2021 until 01 January 2022.
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Philippine Consul General Patrick John U. Hilado delivers a video message on the occasion of the 125th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Dr. Jose P. Rizal.
(Photo: Agana PCG)

Philippine Consulate General personnel led by Consul and Acting Head of Post Ferdinand P. Flores (7th from right) during the reading of Dr. Jose Rizal’s “Mi Ultimo Adiós,” (My Final Farewell), 27 December 2021. (Photo: Agana PCG)

A modest salu-salo of some of the Filipino fare during Rizal’s were featured on 27 December 2021 during the Consulate’s kick-off activity for the commemoration of the 125th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Dr. Jose Rizal. (Photo: Agana PCG)

On the eve of the Rizal Day celebration, the Consulate will feature its Sentro Rizal Agana in Micronesia Mall-Guam as well as a digital exhibition on Rizal’s life and heroism. (Poster: Agana PCG)

On 30 December, the Consulate will participate in the special online screening of Nicolas B. Pichay’s film, “Rizal’s Pen” via Facebook page @PHinAgana. The film organized by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts | Sentro Rizal Filipinas, will run from 30 December 2021 until 01 January 2022. (Poster: NCCA Sentro Rizal Filipinas)