“Tracing Our Roots: A Webinar Series on Filipino Pre-Colonial Ancestors” is a project of the Department of Foreign Affairs in partnership with the National Quincentennial Committee (NQC), in observance of 2021 as the Year of Filipino Pre-Colonial Ancestors. Catch it on the DFA’s official Facebook page and YouTube channel (@dfaphl) every Thursday, from September 2-30, 2021.
Episode 1: "Our Ancestors in Us" by Mr. Xiao Chua
Episode 3: “Subanen before Zamboanga" by Dr. Felice Noelle Rodriguez
Episode 4: “Maritime Mindanao Connections: A Longue Duree Perspective” by Dr. Ariel Lopez
Episode 5: “Watering Manila from Ancient Boso-Boso” by Mr. Ian Christopher Alfonso