Dr. Analyn Salvador-Amores is a social anthropologist whose research interests include the anthropology of the body, non-Western aesthetics, and traditional textiles and weaving, among
She is the first Filipina to hold a master’s degree and doctorate degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Oxford University in the United Kingdom and is currently the curator of the
Exhibition on Cordillera Textiles at Museo Kordilyera, Ethnographic Museum of the University of the Philippines Baguio, where she is also the Museum Director.
Know more about the "Textile Exhibition in Cordillera and the Textiles Collections in Vienna and Germany" from Dr. Salvador-Amores at the live opening program of the Museo Kordilyera Virtual Tour
on 26 October 2020, 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (PH Time) at the DFA Official Facebook page and YouTube channel!
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